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line of battle中文是什么意思

用"line of battle"造句"line of battle"怎么读"line of battle" in a sentence"line of battle"的同义词


  • (军队或军舰的)战列,战斗队形。


  • There has never been a king who did anything worse than david . when he saw the beautiful bathsheba , he wanted her for himself so he had her husband assigned to the front line of battle , where the odds of him being killed were substantial and , in fact , it happened . and so bathsheba was widowed and david took her to be his wife
用"line of battle"造句  


  • a line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attack


In naval warfare, the line of battleIf the fleet is in front of the flagship it is a line ahead, if behind a line astern. is a tactic in which the ships of the fleet form a line end to end.
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