battle n. 1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战争。 2.斗争,竞争;〔美国〕竞赛。 3.胜利,成功。 a battle of words 论战。 the disposition for a battle 战术的部署。 the battle of life 生存斗争。 The battle is not always to the strong. 强者不一定常胜。 a naval battle 海战。 a close battle 近战,肉搏。 a decisive battle 决战。 a general's battle 战略和战术的较量,韬略战。 a soldier's battle 勇气和力量的较量,兵力战。 a pitched battle = a plain battle 鏖战,酣战。 a sham battle 〔美国〕模拟战,战斗演习。 a street battle 巷战。 accept battle 应战,迎战。 be killed in battle 阵亡。 do battle = fight a battle 挑战,开战,交战。 fall in battle 阵亡。 fight one's battles over again 忆谈当年勇,反复叙述当年功绩[经历]。 gain a battle 打胜仗。 give battle = do battle. give the battle 认输,战败。 go into battle 投入战斗。 half the battle 成功[胜利]的一半 (Youth is half the battle. 年轻气锐就是一半成功)。 have the battle 战胜。 join battle 参战。 lose a battle 打败仗。 lose the battle 战败。 offer battle 挑战。 refuse battle 拒绝应战。 vi. 作战,战斗,斗争,奋斗 (against with for)。 battle with poverty 与贫困作斗争。 vt. 〔美国〕与…作战,与…斗争。 battle the storm 与暴风雨作斗争。
There has never been a king who did anything worse than david . when he saw the beautiful bathsheba , he wanted her for himself so he had her husband assigned to the front line of battle , where the odds of him being killed were substantial and , in fact , it happened . and so bathsheba was widowed and david took her to be his wife 非常明显,当他看见美丽的拔示巴,从没有一位王所做的比大卫更差劲,他想得到她,于是把她丈夫差往前线,使他在进攻的过程中遇害,事情就这样发生了于是她成了寡妇,他就把她娶过来,他被这诱惑淹没了。
a line formed by troops or ships prepared to deliver or receive an attack
In naval warfare, the line of battleIf the fleet is in front of the flagship it is a line ahead, if behind a line astern. is a tactic in which the ships of the fleet form a line end to end.